Archive for September, 2010

Terran vs Zerg Strategy – Mass Vikings

Posted in Uncategorized on September 30, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

In Starcraft 2 there’s a lot of different ways to play against your opponents. If you’re creative enough you can find some excellent ways to surprise your opponents and catch them off guard. Use this SC 2 Terran vs Zerg strategy to do just that.

Since Mutalisks will defeat Vikings in a 1 on 1 match, Zerg players will not expect you to create a lot of Vikings. If you catch the Zerg off guard with mass Vikings you can greatly cripple his ability to make units (by killing Overlords) and you’ll be able to take out small numbers of Queens, Zerglings, and Mutalisks.

Then once he catches on to your Viking strategy switch over to Battlecruisers to decimate the army that he tries to counter your Vikings with. This strategy will allow you to focus on upgrading only air weapons and armor to make them most effective.

Read more about the Mass Vikings strategy here…

SC 2 TvT Strategy With Banshees

Posted in Uncategorized on September 30, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

TvT is a fun matchup to play in Starcraft 2. This Terran vs Terran strategy uses some pretty smooth transitions to damage your opponents economy in the early game, then moves into macro heavy play to finish off the enemy.

Start off with an early Barracks and do an early push with a Marine and an SCV (very early). Kill off some workers as you can. Then tech to a Banshee and get cloak to harass your opponents economy even more. Use cloak to make him blow as many scans as possible from his Orbital Command.

When he has enough detection out transition into a very Tank and Marauder heavy army with some Vikings to maintain air control. Keep your macro up and you should be able to outmass his army and take him out.

Read more about this strategy here

Get The Best Start Possible With These Terran Build Order Tips

Posted in Uncategorized on September 19, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

First I want to say that using a build order tester can be extremely valuable when figuring out your early game build order. Since I didn’t have the chance to play in the beta a ton, I had some questions about my Starcraft 2 Terran build orders that I wanted answers to.

So I fired up a build order tester and started testing. I’m going to share my results of 3 very simple and often overlooked tactics to make your terran build order as efficient as possible when the game starts. If you’re looking for race specific strategies

Build Order Tip #1: Train First, Then Move

One of the things I did wrong when I first started playing Starcraft 2 is when the game started I would move my SCV’s to the mineral line, then click on my Command Center and build an SCV.

I heard this was a bad idea so I wanted to test it myself. After quite a few tests, I found that at the:40 mark I was able to have anywhere from 5-15 more minerals when I trained an SCV first, then told my workers to go mine. Plus my SCV came out just a smidge earlier.

Now I know this may not seem like a big deal, and it’s not at lower levels of play. But I’m really into maximizing the efficiency of everything I do and getting my builds as tight as possible. So if you’re anything like me, I’d highly recommend training your worker first, then telling your SCV’s to mine.

Build Order Tip #2: Manually Set Rally Points

With the new Starcraft 2 AI, our SCV’s are MUCH smarter than they were in the original Starcraft. But this can also make you lazy. I wanted to test the difference between rallying all my SCV’s to the closest mineral field, and manually changing up my rally points to point SCV’s to empty minerals. The results were quite noticeable.

So I tested this many times as well in the build order tester, and I found that I was able to squeeze 10-20 more minerals at the:50 mark out of my workers when I manually micro-managed where they were going.

And if you want to get the MOST out of your little guys, at the very start instead of selecting all 6 SCV’s and pointing them to one mineral, split them up. This will take some practice, but it IS more efficient if you do it fast.

The easiest way to do it is to grab all 6 of them, point them to one side of the minerals, then grab 3 and move them to the other side. This will help them all start mining faster and will make your early game a little more efficient.

Terran Build Order Tip #3: Never Build Your First Supply Depot At 9 Food

Again this is one of those little things that I always wondered about. Is it better to build my supply depot at 9 food or 10 food? The first two tips will work with any race you choose, while this one is a bit more focused on Terran gameplay only.

It seemed like when I built at 9 food I would have a short delay in building my next SCV because I didn’t have enough minerals. But when I built at 10 food I was waiting for the building to finish.

So I tested it and found that supply depot on 10 is definitely the way to go. Not only did I have 10-20 more minerals at the same point in time as the 9 depot build, but my SCV actually came out a few seconds sooner as well.

If you keep a really tight build order, you’ll actually only be waiting for a half second or so before your depot gets done and you can make SCV #12. Maybe if you’re really quick you can get rid of this entirely.

Whereas the 9 depot build you have to wait several seconds for the minerals to make SCV #10. So yah, your Terran build order should always be SCV, SCV, SCV, SCV, supply depot, and so on. (as long as you aren’t rushing or doing silly shenanigans like that).

Now I know that some of this may seem a little OCD to you, but it can really make a big difference at the higher levels of play. Sure each thing I tested today doesn’t really seem huge, but when you put just these 3 simple things together you’ll find yourself with 25-55 more minerals and your SCV’s coming out sooner. Which literally can mean the difference between fending off a rush and dying to it.

Little things like this can definitely add up and have a big affect on your gameplay. After the early game, it’s very important to continue with great macro so you will have enough income and units to overcome your opponent.

After getting your build orders down, you’ll need to learn more specific strategies like Starcraft 2 Terran vs Zerg strategies.

Terran Hotkeys Guide – Learn The Hotkeys & Increase Your APM

Posted in Uncategorized on September 19, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

If you want to get better at Starcraft 2 as Terran so you can climb your way up the ranking system on, then you’re going to have to learn the hotkeys. If up to this point you’ve been only using your mouse to play, I guarantee you are playing MUCH slower than you could be.

At all times your left hand should be on the keyboard ready to hit your hot keys to build units, create buildings, get upgrades, and attack your enemies.

If you played the old Starcraft then you probably remember that it was so hard to use the default hotkeys because some of them were so far apart. Like if you wanted to build a marine you would select your barracks, then hit “M” which for me is NOT easy to do with my left hand.

But in Starcraft 2, Blizzard has really put some time into choosing GOOD hotkeys that are easy to hit with your left hand (or your right hand if you mouse with your left hand). Now in Starcraft 2 if you want to train a marine you use the hotkey “A” which is conveniently located right under your left pinky – very easy to hit.

Now if you’re just getting started, then you probably don’t know what hotkey does what in the game, and that’s OK. As long as you focus on learning them, you’ll have them memorized in no time without spending hours studying them.

Here’s how: from now on when you’re playing any game of Starcraft 2, whether campaign or multiplayer, make the decision that you are going to learn the hotkeys. So instead of clicking on your Barracks and clicking the marine to train one, mouse down over the marine and the tooltip will show you the hotkey that you need to push (it will say something like this: Train Marine [A])

Now without clicking the marine, move your mouse back up to the center of the screen and press the “A” button to train a marine. If you do this for everything, you will start to memorize the different Terran hotkeys and eventually you’ll be able to use your keyboard for everything, which will greatly increase your speed of play and ability to implement the more advanced Terran strategies.

After you learn the hotkeys, you’ll need to keep learning about the Terran race. Having a pro Terran vs Protoss strategy and using the right Starcraft 2 Terran build orders is essential to win more games and increase your ladder rank.

Starcraft 2 Terran Strategy – Learn The Basics First

Posted in Uncategorized on September 18, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Know that when you first start playing any RTS (real time strategy) game, especially on the net against other real players (instead of the predictable AI), the main goal is always to get better fast! So you start watching the pro matches and checking out the strategies that they are able to pull off against their opponents.

Although never a bad thing to do, it’s really easy to forget about the basics of the game, and begin to think that you’ll start winning as soon as you master one certain strategy. But Starcraft 2 is a dynamic game, and one tactic just won’t do it for you, especially once you start facing harder and harder opponents. You’ll need to be able to adapt fast and think on your toes, and you won’t be successful unless you first get the basics down.

So what do I consider “the basics”?

#1: Learn the Starcraft 2 Terran Tech Tree

One of the first things you need to do as Terran in Starcraft 2 is to memorize the tech tree. Like all the tech trees in Starcraft 2, they aren’t overly complicated, but it’s still important to know exactly how to get each unit that you’ll have at your disposal. If you don’t know this front to back, you’re going to run into huge problems when your opponent starts getting mutalisks and you don’t even know how to build Thors.

And even if you’ve played Brood War or the original Starcraft before, SC2 is quite a bit different with new units and upgrades so don’t assume that you know everything right off the bat.

I’d suggest going through and playing a few games as Terran against the computer on easy and build every building and make a few of every unit in the game so you know where they came from and how you got them out. Pay attention to the upgrades you can buy and which buildings lead to which units.

#2: Study the Zerg and Protoss Tech Trees Too!

Just because you’ll be playing Terran as your main race, doesn’t mean you don’t need to know about the Protoss and Zerg races. You’ll undoubtedly be pitted against these foes more than once in the future, so you must know what units they have and how long it takes to get there. If you skip this part and don’t know that Protoss can get Dark Templar, you’re going to be very surprised when a bunch of invisible guys tear your base apart, as an example.

Do the same thing with Zerg and Protoss as you did with Terran. Learn the tech trees and play games against the computer making every building, unit and getting upgrades so you know what comes from where and what kind of enemies you’re going to be up against.

#3: Figure Out The Unit Counters

As well as knowing how to get each unit in the game and what buildings they come from, you’re going to need to know which units counter each other. Starcraft 2 is put together so well that every unit is strong against some units and weak against others. The Terran units are very diverse and if you want to win you’re going to have to know what units you need to counter your opponent and lead yourself to victory.

The best way to figure this out is to learn about each unit in the game. You’ll notice that every unit has some attributes prescribed to them, things like light, armored, biological, psionic, massive. You’ll also notice that certain Terran units have damage bonuses against certain kinds of units. The Terran Marauder for example, does 10 damage per shot, but against armored units they do 20 damage (twice as much!). This makes the marauder the perfect counter to go up against enemy roaches or stalkers, but not so much against smaller units like zealots, marines, and zerglings.

It’s soooo important to know all this so you can scout your enemy’s army and produce the right Terran units so you’ll be able to overwhelm your opponent’s army and march on to victory.

So before you go out and start watching Pro replays like a madman, get the basics down and get some practice in playing the game so you can get a feel for the game and what you should do in certain situations.

Next, learn how you can start winning more with these Starcraft 2 Terran vs Protoss strategies. Like all RTS games, it’s important to get off to the best start possible, use these Starcraft 2 Terran build orders to make your early game flawless.

Starcraft 2 Macro Guide – Tips To Win Games

Posted in Uncategorized on September 18, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

If you’re brand new to the Starcraft scene, then you may not know what the term “macro” means. Here’s what it is: It’s your ability to control the bigger things going on in the game you’re playing. Things like making units, buildings, keeping all your minerals spent, etc.

One of the biggest problems that newer players have is this pattern: Build up a force, attack, build up a force, attack, build up a force, attack. So basically you’ll focus solely on macro first; making units, building their base up, maybe expanding. But then when you go to attack you start focusing solely on micro management, which is controlling your units. So then you completely stop making units, your mineral count goes through the roof, and when your army is finally killed you have 0 units.

This is BAD, any kind of counter-attack at that point will usually cost you the game, even if you do have 3000 minerals banked there’s just not enough time to use them.

Instead of doing that, you should hotkey your production buildings to 5, 6 whatever is comfortable and as you’re making your attack you keep building units. That way, once your force is dead, you scroll back to your base and you already have a ton of units ready to go attack again or defend the counter-attack.

If you find yourself having trouble with this, here’s something you should focus on… Instead of being so obsessed with trying to micro manage your army like the pros, throughout the whole game focus on these three things: making SCV’s, training units, and keeping your resources low (by buying stuff!).

When you master those three things, you will find yourself climbing up the ranking ladders just because you’ll have so many units that your opponents just won’t be able to compete. Even if you completely botch your micro management here and there you’ll be so far ahead of most players that it won’t even matter.

Next, learn how you can start winning more with these Starcraft 2 Terran vs Terran strategies. Like all RTS games, it’s important to get off to the best start possible, use these SC 2 terran build orders to make your early game flawless.

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 18, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

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