Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Medivacs to Come Back And Win Games of Starcraft 2

Posted in Uncategorized on November 2, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

If you play Terran and aren’t using Medivac drops in your games, you need to start now! Medivacs are so powerful and give your army extreme mobility. The best way to use them is to load up some Marines & Marauders and drop them in multiple places at once at the far ends of your opponents bases.

This can confuse and overwhelm your opponent to give you the mental edge, as well as help you pull ahead by whittling down his economy and army. One of the best Starcraft 2 Terran vs Zerg strategies is to counter attack with small Medivac drops in the back of your opponents base when he moves his army out to attack you. This can take some patience but has huge rewards.

To read more about using Medivacs in Terran vs Zerg matchups, click here.

If you’re struggling to beat the Wings of Liberty Campaign on Brutal, you should check out this pro Starcraft 2 Campaign Guide.

Marines, Banshees, and a Raven to Kill Protoss Players

Posted in Uncategorized on October 18, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Use this Terran vs Protoss strategy to take out Protoss players who favor Colossi in their army. Getting your whole infantry force taken out by a couple Colossi can be extremely frustrating, so take your fight to the air instead.

Use a standard Terran build order, but get your second Refinery very early so you have lots of Vespene Gas stocked up. You’ll want to build 2 Starports with Tech Labs so you can make Banshees and a Raven to push out with. Research Cloak to keep your Banshees alive and get your Raven out first so it starts to accumulate energy.

When you push out try to snipe out their Observers with your Marines and kill Colossi with your Banshees. Use the Raven’s Point Defense Drone to help your forces stay alive.

Learn more about the Terran Marine, Banshee, Raven strategy here.

The Importance of Creep Destruction in Terran vs Zerg

Posted in Uncategorized on October 16, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Most Terran players don’t think much of Zerg creep, but allowing the Zerg player to spread it all over the map is a sure sign of being doomed. Creep increases movement speed of all Zerg units on it by 30% plus it gives the player vision of anything on it.

One of the most important things you can focus on in a Terran vs Zerg game is reducing the amount of creep on the map by killing Creep Tumors. They are burrowed so you will need some sort of detection to destroy them. Either build a Raven at your Starport or use scans to find those tumors and take them out.

When you do, you’ll limit the mobility of the Zerg force by a lot and will make fighting the Zerg player much easier.

To read more about getting rid of creep click here.

Find other Terran vs Zerg strategies here

Defend Against Early Banshee Pressure With This Strategy – TvT

Posted in Uncategorized on October 14, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

If you’re always afraid of early Banshees getting in your base and causing havoc on your SCVs and economy, then this Terran build order is for you! Terran has quite a few openers when up against another Terran player and this build protects against a lot of them.

Start off with a Barracks, then build a Factory and grab your second Refinery. Right when the Factory is done build an Armory, then get out an early Thor when the Armory is done. Thors do a lot of damage to light air units, which is exactly what a Banshee is. Plus they have a huge range so they can effectively defend against Banshees if they’re anywhere nearby.

Plus getting out an early Thor is a great overall Terran vs Terran strategy, as it will protect you against early Tank pushes as well. Since Thors are so powerful you’ll be able to get out an early expansion and take the lead in the mid to late game as you pull ahead in economy.

Learn more about countering Banshee rushes here

Mass Ravens – Most Powerful Terran vs Zerg Strategy?

Posted in Uncategorized on October 13, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Getting a lot of Ravens out in Starcraft 2 is a powerful Terran vs Zerg strategy that you can use today to win more TvZ games. You can wall off with your Factory and Barracks then build Starports to start making Ravens.

Ravens have a lot of abilities that are great against the Zerg units that clump up close together. Plus when you have a lot of them you can cast a lot of Seeker Missiles to do massive area damage, or cast Auto-Turrets all over the place to take out Zerg units and buildings.

Use all the extra minerals you have to make a lot of Marines and Hellions to keep your army strong. Expanding very early for the additional Refineries is key for this strategy to work, as each Raven costs a whopping 200 gas, which is a ton. You can even do this strategy with just a slight change to the standard Terran build order.

Learn more about this strategy here

Medivacs Can Help You Gain The Lead In Starcraft 2

Posted in Uncategorized on October 13, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Medivac drops in Starcraft 2 are extremely powerful. You can fill up a Medivac with 8 Marines or 4 Marauders (or a combination of the 2) and drop them anywhere your Medivac can fly. Plus when your infantry hits the ground the Medivac can heal them up when they take damage.

One of the best ways to use Medivacs is to sneak them around into your opponent’s main base or expansions to quickly take out a lot of workers and/or key structures to hamper their economy and prevent them from making certain units.

This is a powerful Terran strategy that can be used in any of the matchups with pretty good effectiveness: Terran vs Terran, Terran vs Zerg, or Terran vs Protoss. The key is to catch your opponent off guard and get in as much damage as possible.

Learn more about Medivac drops here

Hellions & Thors To Win Terran vs Terran Games

Posted in Uncategorized on October 11, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

If you’re tired of playing extremely long Terran vs Terran games with both players going Tank/Viking, try out this strategy to allow you to be aggressive with your opponent and bust his Siege Tank fortifications.

Tech up fast to a Factory and get a Thor out as soon as you can, then build another Factory and put a Reactor on it to make Hellions. When up against your opponents army, Take down the Tanks with your Thors and move in close with your Hellions to roast the Marines. You can kill many at a time if you micro your Hellions right. Check out the 2 Thor Early Expand Terran build order to do it just right.

The high hp of Thors will allow them to live through a lot of Tank blasts to soak up damage and get in close to bust those Tank positions. Be very aggressive with this strategy, as the more Tanks your opponent gets the less effective it becomes.

Read more about this strategy here

Double Thor Fast Expand Build Order For The Best Start

Posted in Uncategorized on October 8, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Finding a good Terran vs Terran strategy can be pretty hard. Many of them result in long and boring games, so how do you get off to the best start in a TvT matchup to end the game earlier?

This Terran build order will help you change things up and get out to an early lead with your economy. The point is to rush to Thors to defend your base against air attacks from Banshees and/or ground attacks from Marines and Siege Tanks. Thors are very tough and can be repaired to make them even more effective.

Because of your strong defense you’ll be able to expand with confidence and get your second base running fast to increase your economy. Then you can transition into a stronger core army of Marauders, Marines and Siege Tanks.

Learn how to do the double Thor early expand build order here

Terran vs Protoss Zealot Rush Defense – Starcraft 2 Strategy

Posted in Uncategorized on October 7, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

If you are being proxy rushed or Zealot rushed by Protoss, it can be a very frustrating strategy to lose to. Once you find out it’s happening you should change up your gameplay a bit so you can defend effectively.

Since Marines get killed by Zealots so fast, you’re going to need a lot of them and you’ll need protection for them. Alter your Terran build order to make 2 Barracks and 2 Bunkers inside your base to protect your Marines. Place the Bunkers strategically so they can help each other out and reach around as much of your base as possible (especially to protect your SCVs)

The best Zealot rush counter is to find out when it’s happening to you, then preparing by not going up the tech tree, but instead just making a lot of Marines. As the game goes on, add some Marauders to your group to make a counter attack and take out Stalkers.

Find other ideas to counter the Zealot rush here

Marines, Medivacs, Marauders & Ghosts in Terran vs Protoss

Posted in Uncategorized on October 6, 2010 by sc2strategyguides

Terran vs Protoss becomes a much easier matchup when you have some good TvP strategies in your arsenal. Getting a lot of Barracks up and making a lot of Marines & Marauders and backing them up with Medivacs is a very effective strategy.

Depending on what Protoss does you can vary your builds. If they go Colossi, get more Marauders, if they get High Templar, get Ghosts to EMP their energy and shields away.

You can also use your Medivacs to make drops inside the Protoss base while they are attacking you or distracted elsewhere. Hitting your opponent in multiple places at once is a great way to wear them down.

Read more about infantry and Medivacs against Protoss here