Mass Ravens – Most Powerful Terran vs Zerg Strategy?

Getting a lot of Ravens out in Starcraft 2 is a powerful Terran vs Zerg strategy that you can use today to win more TvZ games. You can wall off with your Factory and Barracks then build Starports to start making Ravens.

Ravens have a lot of abilities that are great against the Zerg units that clump up close together. Plus when you have a lot of them you can cast a lot of Seeker Missiles to do massive area damage, or cast Auto-Turrets all over the place to take out Zerg units and buildings.

Use all the extra minerals you have to make a lot of Marines and Hellions to keep your army strong. Expanding very early for the additional Refineries is key for this strategy to work, as each Raven costs a whopping 200 gas, which is a ton. You can even do this strategy with just a slight change to the standard Terran build order.

Learn more about this strategy here

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